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Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik

Angewandte Informatik III - Robotik und eingebettete Systeme - Prof. Dr. Dominik HENRICH

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61 results for 'industrial robots'

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Fast Distance Computation for On-line Collision Detection with Multi-Arm RobotsHenrich, Dominik1992
Path planning for industrial robot arms - A parallel randomized approachHenrich, Dominik1996
Parallel processing approaches in roboticsHenrich, Dominik1997
Parallel on-line motion planning for industrial robotsWurll, Christian1998
Automatic off-line programming and motion planning for industrial robotsWörn, Heinz1998
A parallel control architecture for industrial robot cellsHenrich, Dominik1998
A distributed planning and control system for industrial robotsWurll, Christian1998
Multi-directional search with goal switching for robot path planningHenrich, Dominik1998
On-line motion planning for medical applicationsBurghart, Ch.1998
On-line path planning by heuristic hierarchical searchHenrich, Dominik1998
On-line path planning with optimal C-space discretizationHenrich, Dominik1998
Manipulating deformable linear objects: Contact state transitions and transition conditionsRemde, Axel1999
Picking-up deformable linear objects with industrial robotsRemde, Axel1999
Multi-Goal Path Planning for Industrial RobotsWurll, Christian1999
Trajectory Planning in joint space for flexible robots with kinematics redundancyYue, Shigang2001
Point-to-Point and Multi-Goal Path Planning for Industrial RobotsWurll, Christian2001
Manipulating Deformable Linear Objects: Manipulation Skill for Active Damping of OscillationsSchlechter, Antoine2002
Safe Human-Robot-Cooperation: Image-based Collision Detection for Industrial RobotsEbert, Dirk2002
SIMERO: Camera Supervised Workspace for Service RobotsGecks, Thorsten2004
Safe human-robot-coexistence: emergency-stop using a high-speed vision-chipEbert, Dirk2005
Improving Navigation Precision of Milling Operations in Surgical RoboticsStolka, Philipp2006
Efficient smoothing of piecewise linear paths with minimal deviationWaringo, Michel2006
Using Maps from Local Sensors for Volume-Removing ToolsStolka, Philipp2007
Automatic adaptation of sensor-based robotsDeiterding, Jan2007
Path Planning and Execution in Fast-Changing Environments with Known and Unknown ObstaclesGecks, Thorsten2007
Fast Vision-Based Minimum Distance Determination Between Known and Unknown ObjectsKuhn, Stefan2007
Smoothing of Piecewise Linear PathsWaringo, Michel2008
3D Collision Detection for Industrial Robots and Unknown Obstacles using Multiple Depth ImagesFischer, Markus2009
Surveillance of Robots using Multiple Colour or Depth Cameras with Distributed ProcessingFischer, Markus2009
Simplified Integration of External Sensors in Industrial Robot ProgramsDeiterding, Jan2011
Proactive premature-intention estimation for intuitive human robot collaborationAwais, Muhammad2012
A GOTO-Based Concept for Intuitive Robot ProgrammingBarth, Katharina2012
Multi-Tasking of Competing Behaviors on a Robot ManipulatorGroth, Christian2013
Towards an intuitive interface for instructing robots handling tasks based on verbalized physical effectsSpangenberg, Michael2014
Robots and their variability – A societal challenge and a potential solutionBuchmann, Thomas2015
Grounding of actions based on verbalized physical effects and manipulation primitivesSpangenberg, Michael2015
An Architecture for Intuitive Programming and Robust Execution of Industrial Robot ProgramsOrendt, Eric M.2018
Guiding Robots to Predefined Goal Positions with Multi-Modal FeedbackRiedl, Michael2018
Vision-based Generation of Precedence GraphsRohner, Dorian2019
Skill Interaction Categories for Communication in Flexible Human-Robot TeamsRiedelbauch, Dominik2019
User-Centered Design of an Intuitive Robot Playback Programming SystemColceriu, Christian2020
Robot-Based Fiber Spray Process for Small Batch ProductionSchmidt, Edgar2020
Wizard of Botz: A Novel Setup for Wizard of Oz ExperimentsWölfel, Kim2020
User Guidance and Automatic Completion for Generating Planar B-Rep ModelsRohner, Dorian2020
Affordance Based Disambiguation and Validation in Human-Robot DialogueWölfel, Kim2020
Extended Robot State Automata for Intuitive Robot ProgrammingSauer, Lukas2021
Playback Robot Programming Framework for Fiber Spraying ProcessesSchmidt, Edgar2021
Playback Robot Programming with Loop IncrementsRiedl, Michael2021
Dynamische MRK in der ProduktionRiedelbauch, Dominik2021
Coloured Petri Nets for Monitoring Human Actions in Flexible Human-Robot TeamsHöllerich, Nico2021
Robot-Based Creation of Complete 3D Workpiece ModelsHarrer, David2022
Structure Synthesis for Extended Robot State AutomataSauer, Lukas2022
Visual Programming of Robot Tasks with Product and Process VarietyRiedelbauch, Dominik2022
DOE Laser-assisted Turntable Calibration and Workpiece RegistrationSchmidt, Edgar2022
Detection and Handling of Dynamic Scenes during an Active Vision Process for Object Recognition using a Boundary RepresentationRohner, Dorian2022
Visualization of Forces and Torques for Robot-Programming of In-Contact TasksHartwig, Johannes2023
A layered Pipeline for Natural Language Robot Programming with Control StructuresSucker, Sascha2023
Simulating Material Deposit for Fiber Sprayed Composites using Beta Paint DistributionViessmann, Fabian2024

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SIMERO: Fast Motion PlanningEbert, Dirk2001
Path Planning and Execution in Fast-Changing Environments with Known and Unknown ObjectsGecks, Thorsten2007
3D Collision Detection for Industrial Robots and Unknown Obstacles using Multiple Depth ImagesFischer, Markus2009
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