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Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik

Angewandte Informatik III - Robotik und eingebettete Systeme - Prof. Dr. Dominik HENRICH

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22 results for '' AND Project=VERBBOT

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Robot Tasks with Fuzzy Time Requirements from Natural Language InstructionsSucker, Sascha2024
A layered Pipeline for Natural Language Robot Programming with Control StructuresSucker, Sascha2023
ToolBot: Robotically Reproducing HandicraftWölfel, Kim2021
SpIRo Sprachbasierte Instruktion kraftbasierter Roboterbewegungen Wölfel, Kim2021
Simulation-Based Validation of Robot Commands for Force-Based Robot MotionsWölfel, Kim2020
Affordance Based Disambiguation and Validation in Human-Robot DialogueWölfel, Kim2020
Wizard of Botz: A Novel Setup for Wizard of Oz ExperimentsWölfel, Kim2020
Grounding of Uncertain Force Parameters in Spoken Robot CommandsWölfel, Kim2019
Gesagt, (gefragt,) getanWölfel, Kim2019
Grounding Verbs for Tool-Dependent, Sensor-Based Robot TasksWölfel, Kim2018
Symbolic Robot Commanding utilizing Physical Properties - System OverviewSpangenberg, Michael2016
Symbol Grounding for symbolic robot commands based on physical propertiesSpangenberg, Michael2016
Towards a domain specific language for sensor-based actionsSpangenberg, Michael2016
Grounding of actions based on verbalized physical effects and manipulation primitivesSpangenberg, Michael2015
Towards an intuitive interface for instructing robots handling tasks based on verbalized physical effectsSpangenberg, Michael2014

Video Sort

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Year Sort

Natural-Language Robot Commanding of Repetitive TasksSucker, Sascha2021
ToolBot : Robotically Reproducing HandicraftWölfel, Kim2020
Wizard of Botz: A Novel Setup for Wizard of Oz ExperimentsWölfel, Kim2020
Grounding of Uncertain Force Parameters in Spoken Robot CommandsWölfel, Kim2020
Simulation-Based Validation of Robot Commands for Force-Based Robot MotionsWölfel, Kim2020
Grounding Verbs for Tool-Dependent, Sensor-Based Robot TasksWölfel, Kim2018
Natürlichsprachliche RobotersteuerungLorenz, Fabian2016
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