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Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik

Angewandte Informatik III - Robotik und eingebettete Systeme - Prof. Dr. Dominik HENRICH

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18 results for '' AND Author=Wölfel, Kim

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SpIRo Sprachbasierte Instruktion kraftbasierter Roboterbewegungen Wölfel, Kim2021
ToolBot: Robotically Reproducing HandicraftWölfel, Kim2021
Affordance Based Disambiguation and Validation in Human-Robot DialogueWölfel, Kim2020
Wizard of Botz: A Novel Setup for Wizard of Oz ExperimentsWölfel, Kim2020
Simulation-Based Validation of Robot Commands for Force-Based Robot MotionsWölfel, Kim2020
Grounding of Uncertain Force Parameters in Spoken Robot CommandsWölfel, Kim2019
Gesagt, (gefragt,) getanWölfel, Kim2019
GroundSim: Animating Human Agents for Validated Workspace MonitoringWölfel, Kim2018
Grounding Verbs for Tool-Dependent, Sensor-Based Robot TasksWölfel, Kim2018
Kinesthetic Robot Force Response enhanced by the Laws of PhysicsGradmann, Michael2018
Automatisierte schichtweise Materialzuweisung für die FE-Analyse am Beispiel von biologischen StrukturenDeese, Kevin2016

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Simulation-Based Validation of Robot Commands for Force-Based Robot MotionsWölfel, Kim2020
ToolBot : Robotically Reproducing HandicraftWölfel, Kim2020
Wizard of Botz: A Novel Setup for Wizard of Oz ExperimentsWölfel, Kim2020
Grounding of Uncertain Force Parameters in Spoken Robot CommandsWölfel, Kim2020
Userstudy "Grounding Verbs for Tool-Dependent, Sensor-Based Robot Tasks"Wölfel, Kim2018
GroundSim: Animating Human Agents for Validated Workspace MonitoringWölfel, Kim2018
Grounding Verbs for Tool-Dependent, Sensor-Based Robot TasksWölfel, Kim2018
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