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Fakultät für Mathematik, Physik und Informatik

Angewandte Informatik III - Robotik und eingebettete Systeme - Prof. Dr. Dominik HENRICH

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9 results for '' AND Author=Groth, Christian

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Online-Adaption und synchronisierte Ausführung einmalig demonstrierter Roboterverhalten.Groth, Christian2016
Er weiß selbst, was zu tun istGroth, Christian2015
Single-Shot Learning and Scheduled Execution of Behaviors for a Robotic ManipulatorGroth, Christian2014
One-Shot Robot Programming by Demonstration using an Online Oriented Particles SimulationGroth, Christian2014
One-Shot Robot Programming by Demonstration by Adapting Motion SegmentsGroth, Christian2014
Multi-Tasking of Competing Behaviors on a Robot ManipulatorGroth, Christian2013

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Learning Behaviors for a Robot Manipulator by a Single DemonstrationGroth, Christian2014
Single Shot Robot Programming by Demonstration using an online Oriented Particles SimulationGroth, Christian2014
Multitasking of Competing Behaviors on a Robot ManipulatorGroth, Christian2013
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